Update 11/05/2022: The original list has been moved to https://github.com/CodheadClub/AwesomeResources. Please feel free to contribute to either list.
Freeside is the University of Hull student run Linux Cluster. In essence, an unofficial 'society' based around Linux, System Administration and Open Source technology. It all started back in 1997, as can be read here. I'm also able to share an email from the 1990s(!), given by Prof. Brian Tompsett, about Freeside, parts of which have been redacted for privacy.
Subject: 08208 lecture
Message-Id: <redacted>
From: <redacted>
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 1998 01:09:16 +0000
Status: RO
Content-Length: 1090
I have <redacted> to attend the
languages and compilers lecture, sorry.
On a different note, I don't know if you're aware or not, but the idea of setting up a unix cluster run by students has gone ahead. At the moment there's a rather out of date project page at
There's no 'proper' unix hardware there at the moment, just 4 VAXen.
A pair of VAXStation 3100's are running NetBSD/Vax via NFS from one of my PCs, and a poorly MicroVAX II (was Sarek.e-eng) that needs some attention.
Hopefully soon we'll be moving chekov.e-eng over to the 'Freeside' cluster, and a Sun 3/60 should be working again soon.
After talking to Prof Phillips last semester it seems that all we'll be able to let people do is have the machines as development platforms and filestores, I don't even know if a BBS [non-internet, non-dialup, 150.237.*access only] would be allowed, so if you have any good ideas or know of a source of inspiration, the project could do with a boost....
Freeside is therefore the longest running Computer Science 'society' (official or not) within the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at Hull. It's also completely free to get involved and I would argue would enhance any students employability + earning potential enormously given the demand for cyber security and linux administration skills.
So, why should you care? This is a tutorial about contributing to the Student Resources List. Get on with it already! Sure, sure... we'll get to that, but this is important.
Putting 24~ years worth of history aside, [REDACTED]
If all of that doesn't get your inner geek moist, perhaps consider the technology Freeside regularly utilises comprises the majority of web servers across the internet, runs ATMs, satellites, mobile phones (both Android and iOS are UNIX based) and everything in between -including NSA/GCHQ spying operations. Wouldn't you like to learn about the technology you use every single day, possibly without knowing?
You can [REDACTED] if you want to get involved immediately. Otherwise, finally, lets begin today's tutorial on Contributing to the Student Resources List.